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Posts published in “Features”

Tracing the haunting history of Halloween

The history of Halloween is rich with ancient traditions, eerie folklore, and fascinating transformations over the centuries. Like the haunting figure of a ghost that lingers through time, Halloween has evolved, keeping its spirit alive in modern celebrations.

Registration nightmares

Aside from midterm season or the horror of seeing your least favorite professor at your favorite coffee shop, registration is one of the scariest experiences as a student.

A feather-raising interview with President Waterfarv

Recently, there have been rumors of a large duck waddling around campus. Huge webbed footprints have been spotted on the Hudson shoreline by the Griffith Building, and three-foot-long feathers have been spotted in Palmer Fountain.

How to be delusional about fall

I was a fool. Before I came, I heard rumors about Stevens’ strong winds threatening to blow you away. You had to fight against Mother Nature as you desperately scrambled to class.

Do these viral TikTok hacks really boost your productivity?

Whether you’re on brain-rot TikTok, StudyTok, BookTok, DramaTok, or some ultra-specific niche side of TikTok, we can all agree that doom scrolling on TikTok is one of the biggest threats to your productivity and focus.

Have no fear, midterms are here!

It’s that time of the semester again (or for first-years, your first time), midterms are around the corner, and everybody’s goosebumps are rising, like the cost of living.

Ranking exam lock in locations

As midterms approach, it can feel increasingly difficult to find a place to “lock in” (i.e., focus) to study for every exam or work on every project.

Navigating fall cultural holidays and accommodations

The fall season is densely populated with holidays from various religions. Not all holidays align with the school-appointed breaks, so what can students do in this case?