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Posts published in “Features”

Charity Quest: a videogame for volunteering

Looking for something to do this weekend? Looking to help within the Hoboken community? Charity Quest can help! It’s an app and website that provides volunteer opportunities for local communities within New Jersey and New York. 

Stevens Serves brings students and the community together

Stevens Serves is an on-campus organization and initiative that aims to increase community service and civic engagement for Stevens students. Led by the Office of Undergraduate Student Life (OSL), Stevens Serves hosts events that allow students to learn more about their community, grow as individuals, and give back to those in need.

Top pastimes for your quarter-life crisis

Ever have one of those weeks where everything feels like it’s spiraling, from exams and assignments to navigating social life and basic survival skills?

Tracing the haunting history of Halloween

The history of Halloween is rich with ancient traditions, eerie folklore, and fascinating transformations over the centuries. Like the haunting figure of a ghost that lingers through time, Halloween has evolved, keeping its spirit alive in modern celebrations.

Registration nightmares

Aside from midterm season or the horror of seeing your least favorite professor at your favorite coffee shop, registration is one of the scariest experiences as a student.

A feather-raising interview with President Waterfarv

Recently, there have been rumors of a large duck waddling around campus. Huge webbed footprints have been spotted on the Hudson shoreline by the Griffith Building, and three-foot-long feathers have been spotted in Palmer Fountain.