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Posts published by “Frankie Guarini”

Oh, what a rush

R.A.G.E. is done. Arguably, R.A.G.E. has been finished since the one-two punch “database malfunction” last Thursday. For those reading who don’t know what R.A.G.E.

In favor of the Innovation University

Last Tuesday night at The Stute’s general body meeting, a couple of people were talking about the general state of Stevens, more specifically the lack of input students have in Stevens’ completely campus-altering 2012-2022 strategic plan.

Stay grounded, stay you

Class, clubs, sports, work, eat, sleep—repeat. For all Stevens students, this cycle describes a typical day. Some have no sports but three clubs, and others have full-time jobs with a weekly class.

Talk to us

This past Wednesday I received a bit of information that took me by surprise: Boken is not happening this year. I wouldn’t doubt it if this is also news to anyone else reading this editorial (in fact, we’ll be digging more deeply into this in next week’s issue).