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Posts published by “Ava Wang”

Ava is the Stute's Outreach Chair and an opinion columnist for Senioritis. She was previously the Managing Editor and a staff writer. She is currently completing the fourth year of her B.E. in Mechanical Engineering.

I failed Huel week

I’ve completed the vast majority of my degree with my friend Thomas sitting next to me. There are many things I admire about him, but what sticks out to me the most is his level-headed nature and remarkable ability to bring people together.

Six more weeks of winter

Yesterday, I experienced the joy of making it to Gobbler’s Knob to witness Punxsutawney Phil’s prognostication of the meteorological happenings for the next six weeks.

Inconsistency and blisters

There’s something addictive about poking a blister. My hands have been perpetually plagued with them this past semester from sporadic crew practices and bass playing sessions, and as a result, much of my time spent thinking–including coming up with this article–has been accompanied by the absent-minded habit of tracing them over with my finger. 


Last night, I was presented with the decision to write this column or hop on my friends’ Minecraft server. Here are some pictures of the masterpiece of a house I built:

Exterior Design:

This eye-catching piece subverts the viewer’s expectation of the traditional construction rules a home ‘should’ abide by.

Non hollow-een

I’m currently experiencing some Sunday Scaries and am not feeling terribly academically inspired. A wise alumni member of the Walking Club, Mike once turned down a walk proposal on the basis that although technically free, he needed to schedule in some personal time for existential dread before class.

My year of magical thinking?

Anniversaries and memorable dates can be weird, particularly when it’s one you wouldn’t exactly celebrate or are ‘celebrating’ alone. I’ve always been a rather sentimental person and hold onto lots of little objects that remind me of the people I love, even if I haven’t spoken to them in years.

30 years from now

I’ve fallen ill with an extreme case of Senioritis as of late. It’s not the general academic laziness variety people talk about; I still find being a student invigorating.

Home is where the haircut is

In my time as a Hobokenite, I have yet to risk a haircut here. Haircuts are a pretty personal action and entail some trust in your barber.