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Meet the Greeks event highlights

While being a member of the Stevens flock unites you with a newfound family, many further their brother and sisterhoods here by joining the Greek life community. To encourage not only the newest Ducks but every undergraduate student to seek out the organization that best suits their campus goals and personal missions, the social and cultural fraternities and sororities at Stevens hosted Meet the Greeks! On September 9, at Palmer Lawn from 4 to 6 p.m., the welcoming members of current Greek life organizations put on an incredible display of our open-hearted school culture for all attendees.  

Stevens offers nine national inter-fraternal conference social fraternities, three national panhellenic social sororities, and a variety of cultural Greek life organizations. Every one of which comes together to woo hopeful recruits into rushing for the house that gives them a keen sense of camaraderie, support, and uplift at college.   

The appeal to join Greek life may differ from student to student, but 22%of the undergraduate population participate in either a fraternity or sorority, and many take immense pride in the organization that welcomes them to be a life-long representation of their group. Many participate in Stevens Greek life to have access to an impressive list of benevolent alumni, to foster incredible bonds with friends, to act on philanthropic desires, and the list goes on. Meet the Greeks displayed everything Greek life has to offer in hopes of providing their fellow ducks a home away from home.  

The three social sororities had beautiful displays to spark the interest of recruits, complete with light-up Greek letters and brightly colored and coordinated decor. On the opposite side of the lawn, the energy was just as electric as the fraternities, which similarly created an atmosphere where potential brothers were invited to conversation. Located in the back of the lawn, the diverse offerings of cultural Greek organizations welcomed students of all backgrounds to discuss their mission and purpose on the Stevens campus.   

The table for Stevens’ Panhellenic Association was located front and center on Palmer Lawn. The association fights practices of hazing and promotes healthy relationships between everyone partaking in Greek life. A member of this student-run association detailed the strongly enforced campus-wide slogan: Ducks Don’t Haze. This policy assists in enabling Greek life participants not to be bystanders to hazing, to be aware of resources to report hazing to, and to educate students on methods of standing up for themselves if found in a situation of hazing.    

A Delta Pi sorority member commented how being a part of the Greek life community has impacted her time at Stevens. She said, “The friendships I have made through Greek life have served me so much here. As an engineering major, there are few girls around me in class. I found lasting girl friendships at Stevens which was one of my biggest worries coming into college.”  She was not alone in sharing the immense benefits of joining a Stevens sorority, including but not limited to supporting philanthropic causes such as anorexia nervosa recovery and donating to women’s cardiovascular health.   

A brother of Phi Sigma Kappa highlighted the close and helpful friendships formed between every Greek organization on campus, regardless of fraternity or sorority, as everyone has the common goals of forming strong connections and giving back.  

The cultural Greek organizations on campus were excited to share their goals of fostering inclusivity, as they serve as grounds for cultural celebration for students of Black, Latinx, Asian heritages, and more.  They never limit themselves to accepting students of any single background! Stevens alumni connections remain strong as a 2022 alumni and proud member of the sorority, Omega Phi Beta, with the aim of enriching Latina culture on campus, came out to support her favorite part of Stevens and meet some future sisters.  

Another successful Meet the Greeks is in the books! As the saying goes, once a duck always a duck — similarly once a member of a Greek society, always a member! Stevens is proud to stimulate relationships that will continue supporting each other throughout our journeys. Meet the Greeks, 2024, introduced many fresh faces to the unbreakable tradition and bond within Stevens and beyond!