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Marybeth Murphy leaves Stevens

Marybeth Murphy, the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, has left Stevens, according to an announcement sent out by President Nariman Farvardin on May 13.

After eight years in her role, Murphy’s last day was June 30. Murphy is accredited with helping reach new records in application numbers, academic profile, and diversity. The number of applications for the class of 2025 exceeded 11,000 applicants, a first for the university. She also helped establish and oversee a number of key programs, such as Career Center, Stevens ACES (Accessing Careers in Engineering and Science), and new spaces, such as the Student Center, the Student Wellness Center, and the Lore-El Center for Women’s Leadership. She also recruited top talent and is accredited with meeting and exceeding many strategic goals in Stevens. Murphy was also Stevens’ pandemic coordinator, playing a key role in keeping Stevens students, staff, and faculty safe.

According to an announcement by President Farvardin on June 24, no replacement had been found for Murphy’s role which continues to be the case. However, Stevens staff members Susan Gross and Sara Klein have taken on the role as acting co-leaders until a permanent replacement can be found.

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