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First Ultimate Frisbee tournament of the year in the books

After leaving Stevens at 6:15 a.m., the frisbee-playing Ducks arrived for their first ultimate frisbee tournament of the year. Some were playing the first tournament of their collegiate careers as freshmen. Playing at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey, nine teams gathered together to start off their ultimate frisbee fall season on September 28 and 29.

Stevens was bringing two teams both Saturday and Sunday to compete for the first time this year. Each team played four games per day against different schools. Teams participating in the tournament included Villanova, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, and Lehigh.

Under the tutorship of captains Joseph Conway and Scott Borgstedt, both teams were set up to play. Saturday and Sunday were both learning days for new freshmen as they follow the returning players and participated in their first ultimate tournament ever. It was not a day to keep track of score. Losses really did not mean much, and upperclassmen encouraged freshmen to keep playing their best. It was a day of learning for all people involved.

Freshman Trevor Dameika remarked, “This is my first frisbee tournament ever. I am still learning how this game works, and I felt this tourney was a great opportunity as new players. The playing time for everyone was large, and it was a wonderful experience.”

Playing four games in one day, the new Ducks realized this would be different from what they were expecting, and many knew it was going to be a long weekend. The freshmen seemed to acclimate themselves well to the new experience. All players showed their stuff and are ready for more tournaments to come.

Certainly after their first tournament, all players, not just the freshmen, will be ready for this fall frisbee season full of tournaments. This will lay the foundation for these new players as the real season games begin in the spring.

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