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House Cabin defeats the God of Time

On the evening of the twenty-seventh of March, a stillness fell the land. The gatehouse had disappeared and, in its place, there he stood, the God of Time. Anyone within an immediate two block radius was frozen in time, powerless against the God. The knights of House Cabin sensed this disturbance and, due to their oath to protect all, they started their journey. Seven Knights in total went on this brave mission.

The leader of the knights was Sir Richard Boges, who was described as having a constant smoky aura. Next was Sir James Boomer, who was constantly grumpy and set in his ways. Sir Anthony “Old One-Two” Krampornski was listening to K-pop the entire journey, much to the dismay of his fellow knights. In the middle of the pack was Sir Peter Brittle, who was hooked up to an iron lung the entire time. After him came Sir Paul Cute, who was just happy to be there. Following him was Sir Jin Cuterheart, who wore an obsidian focusing stone necklace, the source of all his strength. In the rear was I, Sir Perry Cox, who made sure no one got the jump on us from the back.

The journey was not easy, trekking through various mountains, fighting off bandits and thieves. There are those who tried to deter the knights, telling them all hope was lost and that they should just accept and pray to the god of time. The knights of Cabin did not listen, for they only pray to one God, George, the God with only one good ear. They used the strength of George to help them on their journey. They almost lost Sir Peter Brittle when his iron lung stopped working, but they luckily came upon an iron lung repairman and continued their journey. They ran into several small creatures whose powers were able to be captured in their magic tablets to give them even more strength.

Finally, the time had come, the knights of House Cabin were face to face with the God of Time. The battle was epic, every knight giving their all. It looked like all hope was lost until the knights called on the strength of creatures within their tablets. The knights were able to finally able to defeat the God of Time when they strike at same time to deliver the finishing blow. After the God was defeated some of the knights were able to harness the power of the God in their tablet, to increase their strength even further. The community, now unfrozen in time, cheered and praised the knights for their efforts. They offered the knights gold and riches, but the knights turned them down. The knights said their final goodbye to the community as they turned around to head back to their home, where they will retire until they are called upon again.

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