Welp, it’s March already, and I’m not sure where the time went. Yesterday it was Christmas, and today I’m wearing shorts. I was going about my day, enjoying life, when yesterday, I was asked the question:
“What are you doing for spring break?”
Spring break? Since when are we there?
If you’re like me, you haven’t had the typical “college spring break.” Whenever it comes time for me to plan some grand adventure for the week, I end up so swamped by midterms/projects/essays/work that all that ends up happening is a bunch of Google Flights and Airbnb tabs filling up my computer. Each year, I say it will be different, and each year the same thing happens.
But this year will be different (actually)! Nicole, our wonderful friend Kaitlyn, and I planned a last-minute trip to Boston to do some sightseeing and drink some Dunkin.
So if you’re like me and still want a fun spring break plan even though we’re less than two weeks out, fear not! There is still time to make arrangements. Look into the awesome Amtrak student discounts (not sponsored, I just love Amtrak) that can take you from New York to Philadelphia, DC, or Boston for a quick day trip or overnight stay! There are also plenty of day trips from New York that can take you to the Hudson River Valley, upstate New York, and Long Island. There are also NJ Transit lines that run down the shore if you can’t make it to a beach where it’s actually warm. This is also a great time to see all the things in the city we all say we’ll visit but never have time for (also plenty of student discounts there). All of these options are great for a budget, too.
So don’t give up on your spring break dreams! The fourth time’s the charm.
If you’re anything like me before last Saturday, whenever someone asks what I’m doing for spring break, my response is usually either “sleeping” or just a blank stare. If this sounds like you, I highly recommend making some friends who enjoy spontaneously doing random things. Now, let me be clear: I am NOT the impulsive one in our friend group, which consists of Erin and our lovely Towers roommate, Kaitlyn Jandrucko. But Erin? She absolutely is.
Two years ago now, she randomly texted me asking if I wanted to go to DC with her in May because she had to get badged at NASA Headquarters for her summer internship. Obviously, I said yes. That trip ended up happening twice: once for badging in May and again a few months later for her NASA work presentation for friends and family. Both times, she was the one dragging me around, researching places for us to visit, and figuring out all the logistics. My only contribution to the planning was asking to visit the all-ASL-using, signing Starbucks near Gallaudet University (it was SO cool).
So, this Boston trip that Erin mentioned? As of the time I’m writing this, it was planned just a few days ago, completely on a whim. Kaitlyn offered to drive us, Erin has already started researching hotels, and the two of them have a Notes page going with everything we’re attempting to cram into the three days we’ll be there. You might be wondering, “Nicole, how are you contributing to this?” And the short answer is… I’M NOT.
But hey, that’s the beauty of having spontaneous friends: sometimes, you just have to sit back and let them do the planning. So if you’re stuck on spring break plans, find yourself an Erin or a Kaitlyn, say yes to the unexpected, and who knows, you might end up in Boston before you even realize what’s happening.