I basically live out of my Google Calendar when I am at school. I’ve got classes, meetings, appointments, assignments, hangouts, exams, presentations, reminders to submit Workday hours, practices, and GBMs galore, all neatly organized into one place. Each moment of my existence is broken down into 15-minute increments, to color-coded perfection. For the fools who don’t use the GCal (slang for my Google Calendar, obviously), you can set recurring events, such as classes and meetings, to occur at certain intervals. If you need to make changes to a recurring event–say a Tuesday is running on a Monday schedule because of a long weekend—Google Calendar will intelligently prompt you with “Edit recurring event: This event? This and following events? Or All events?”
Classes change every semester, and when I get home for winter or summer break, one of the first things I do is delete my recurring class events: this and the following events. There are three exceptions to the “this and following events” wipeout that transcend the semesterly reset: one of those being Rotisserie Wednesday with Isy, the other two being Stute E-board Meeting/Production on Wednesdays and Stute GBMs on Tuesdays.
For the past two years, I have been on Eboard–initially as Managing Editor, and currently ‘retired’ to my Outreach Chair position. I think most people who have been heavily involved in The Stute can agree that, in some capacity, the newspaper production schedule defines your week. While taking a peek into my schedule for next week, I edited the 3-4 p.m. section of my Wednesdays, Stute EBoard Meeting, and was asked if I wanted to delete just this event or this and the following events.
The recurring GCal prompt hit me like a wall of bricks. There are certainly times where I resented my Eboard duties and wished to “delete this and following events”, but actually seeing it was sobering. I’m ready to move on to new things, but I would be lying if I said I’m not terrified of the completely empty month of June awaiting me.
Isy and Konnor, when you read this, do I delete rotisserie Wednesday for the night of graduation? My vote is no.