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Posts published in “Year: 2024

Advisory boards give students a voice

Within the four schools at Stevens, each offers a unique opportunity for students to participate actively in their education: a student advisory board.

School rankings: Why your voice matters

A school’s reputation can be impacted by many factors, including the happiness and performance of its students and return on investment.

PATH has new TAPP system

After many years of purchasing physical cards, PATH riders can now use TAPP to access trains. TAPP is a contactless payment form, allowing for tickets to be purchased through Apple Pay or a card with just a tap of a phone.

Herb-crusted salmon

This past weekend, I made entrees with the Stevens Chefs team: Salmon and Tandoori Chicken. We put together an ingredient list and split up the work chopping.

Sense of urgency

I feel with graduation creeping up closer and closer every single day I sometimes forget to appreciate the little things that I love about college and life in general.

A classic American tale

Today, at Off The Press, we decided to honor our proud American heritage by retelling a famous tale from long ago.

First-year freaky food combos

As first-years, we are between the crossroads of an unlimited meal plan and the urge to illegally cook food in our dorms.