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Posts published in “Year: 2024

Dress to Impress & the prisoner’s dilemma

If you haven’t noticed, the theme for this week’s paper is voting. Unfortunately, my political career started and ended with passing AP Gov, so I’d like to take this time to complain about the voting system in my favorite game: Dress To Impress (DTI).  

Big slices, small prices

After a week of enduring greasy pizza at various events, my stomach had enough. Some may call me picky, but when it comes to pizza, I’m vouching for a slice that is fresh, flavorful, and worthy of the spotlight.

The bliss, or torture, of cleaning

Cleaning is a must for college students (or hopefully is). Whether in an on-campus dorm or apartment, I hope everyone dusts, changes their sheets, cleans the bathroom, and does laundry — the essentials.