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Posts published in “Year: 2024

The science of studying for finals

With finals around the corner and as the end of the semester approaches, students brace themselves for one of the most challenging and stressful times of the academic year: finals week.

The use of melatonin

Growing up, if you were unable to sleep, there were several approaches you could adopt. You could count sheep, enjoy a glass of milk, or even journal.

How should you use your extra meal swipes?

With the school year coming to a close, many of the first year students are wondering the same thing: “What should I do with the rest of my meal swipes?

Caffeine and final exams: is it worth it?

As the dread of finals season looms over students, many will have to spend late nights studying, completing assignments, and generally catching up on course material.

Food for thought: remember to eat during finals

In the thick of finals, your regular eating routine might go out the window. You might spend all day studying and neglect meals until you’re starving.