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Spooky spots & ghostly thoughts: a haunting tour of Stevens campus

As the leaves turn and the air gets crisper, the spooky season descends upon us, and Stevens’ 154-year-old campus has no shortage of creepy spots to send shivers down your spine. Whether you’re a believer in the paranormal or just enjoy a good spook, here are the most haunted places on campus that are sure to keep you up for a bit.

Humphreys Hall Basement

If you disagree with this, please stop reading this article. If you’ve ever ventured into the basement of Humphreys Hall, you’ve likely noticed the unsettling red door. It looks like something straight out of a horror movie, and let’s just say the feeling that something sinister lies behind it is hard to shake. The cockroaches and spiderwebs don’t help, and the stairs leading down seem to get creepier with every step. One friend of mine was so unnerved by the place that he refused to do his laundry at night alone! It’s the kind of space that feels like it holds secrets best left undisturbed.

Edwin A. Stevens (EAS) Basement

For anyone who’s ever stored club materials in the basement of EAS, I have one word: sorry. This is not a place you want to spend more time than absolutely necessary. The dim lighting, dust-covered surfaces, and spiderwebs create an eerie, abandoned feel. Throw in some unsettling mechanical noises, and you’ve got a basement that will keep your heart racing. If you’ve managed to avoid this basement so far, consider yourself lucky. It’s the stuff of nightmares.

Morton’s Top Floor (Third  Floor)

Morton’s third floor has a spooky reputation, largely due to its age. The creaky floors and old architecture make it the perfect backdrop for ghost stories. I used to dread going to office hours for CAL (now HASS) in that building. It felt like something — or someone — was watching you from the shadows. If the eerie atmosphere doesn’t get you, the building’s unsettling silence will.

Third Floor of the Library

You either love it or you hate it; personally, I’m scared of it. There’s a different kind of terror on the third floor of the library. It’s not the building itself that’s scary, but the silence. The quiet is so thick it feels unnatural, and if you so much as drop a pen, the glares you receive from fellow students can be downright terrifying. It’s the kind of silence that makes the air heavy, and you can’t shake the feeling that something might break it in a way you least expect.

The Alley Between Carnegie and Burchard/Gateway South

This narrow alleyway might not be haunted, but it’s definitely the kind of place that makes your heart race. Whether it’s day or night, walking through here makes me feel like I’m about to get jumped. The combination of the dark corners, towering walls, and lack of foot traffic make it one of the creepiest places on campus. If you find yourself cutting through, keep your head on a swivel and walk fast!

Whether or not you believe in the supernatural, Stevens’ campus has more than its share of eerie spots to set the mood for a spooky season. From creepy basements to silent libraries, there’s no shortage of places to make you feel like you’re being watched — or worse, not alone. So, as Halloween approaches, be careful where you wander — you never know what might be lurking in the shadows!