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New portal centralizes undergrad research, scholarship opportunities

Finding research positions can be confusing, especially if you don’t know where to look. With that in mind, the Office of Undergraduate Research recently revealed a new undergraduate research website. It serves as a center for exciting research opportunities at Stevens and their requirements and deadlines. 

Andrés Mansisidor, the Director for Undergraduate Research and PhD Program Application, explains that the motive was to increase students’ access and awareness of the various resources available to them. It allows students to explore the research landscape to find opportunities for them and their career goals. Mansisidor hopes the website makes it easier for all students to seek support. “Undergraduate research positions can lead to amazing learning experiences,” they explain. “but it can be tricky to navigate the research landscape from getting a position in the first place or figure out which research opportunities are right for you and your career goals.” The website’s other objective is to create a sense of community. By spotlighting students and their learning experiences, it will inspire other students to discover the vast world of research. 

The research central provides a variety of curated resources, including research presented at scientific conferences, available internships, mental health resources, post-baccalaureate programs, and opportunities to publish in an undergrad research journal. When Mansisidor advised students, they often found themselves repeating the same things either verbally or through long emails. While they will continue to give tailored advice to students, the website was used to scale back their guidance and to better advertise on all research topics. 

In that vein, many prestigious scholarships and fellowships were posted, including the Goldwater Scholarship, which is designed to help current sophomores and juniors in the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics. It provides up to $7,500 a year, aiding costs associated with tuition, mandatory fees, books, room and board.Stevens will nominate six candidates, with at least one spot reserved for a veteran and another for a transfer student. The nomination deadline is November 11. For more details, there is an information session on September 19 from 3 to 4 p.m. Another example is the Fulbright US Scholar Program, a fellowship that funds post-graduate degrees abroad. It gives seniors a chance for an enriching global experience in countries like the United Kingdom or Germany. The campus deadline is September 16 and seniors should reach out to to apply. 

Additionally, there is a research survey for those who did a summer research internship or fellowship in 2024. Mansisidor clarified that it seeks to understand the overall research experience and the capacity for undergraduate research. What are the skills students are learning? What is the quality of their mentorship? From an administrative point, are there any ways to make sure these experiences are enriching and fulfilling? Furthermore, it’s also to comprehend how many undergrads are engaged in undergraduate research and to what extent. Using the anonymized data, the Office of Undergraduate Research will work with the Student Government Association to award faculty and graduate students who demonstrate outstanding mentorship. 

The website will update on a regular basis with new and relevant opportunities while responding to the needs of students and faculty. “As students become familiar with this site and the opportunities available to them,” Mansisidor says. “I hope that they are more prepared for finding research projects and for thriving in those roles.”