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You forgot something

Our newest ducks just arrived on campus on August 25 and likely forgot some dorm essentials that will help to make the first year in a dorm go smoothly. I asked around the flock and cumulated a list of essentials that all the newest ducks will want before classes take over.

Storage Bins

First on the list is, unsurprisingly, more storage. I am baffled by how tiny the closet size is in the dorms. I can barely fit all of my sweatshirts in it, let alone everything else I own. The furniture takes up so much space in the first-year dorm that it is difficult to reorganize or place anything anywhere. Storage bins are needed to compact all of your things in a safe place. Several upperclassmen have mentioned how storage bins have not only helped with consolidating items but also as seating arrangements. A storage bin is a perfect makeshift stool so your friends do not have to sit on the floor all the time.

Collapsible Drying Rack

I expect that all of our newest ducks will be practicing standard hygiene and washing their clothes. With that being said, as a new duck, you may be unaware of the little quirks that all of the laundry rooms across campus have. I am specifically referring to the drying machines either not working or constantly being taken up at the most inconvenient times. Foldable laundry racks can rest against your wall and be out of the way until you need them. Sometimes the drying machines don’t even dry properly and in worry of burning a hole through your socks or shrinking your jeans three sizes, the drying racks are an option that helps you and your clothes stay safe.

Extension Cords

Not having enough outlets is a major issue in dorm rooms. There are maybe a maximum of two outlets and they will be located in the farthest corner, inaccessible at all times. In my first year, I had two main outlets, one behind my bed and another in my closet. I think we can assume which one I used and which one I put an extension cord in. Most students have more than two devices that need to be charged at the same time. Get an extension cord and save yourself the struggle of having to choose between devices.

Mini Air Purifier

When living on campus you are exposed to a completely different environment that your body needs time to adjust to. In that adjustment period, you will most likely get sick or have minor allergy symptoms. Several of our more experienced ducks have sworn by the air purifier. Air purifiers use a fan and a filter to trap toxins and circulate the cleaned air in the room. Air purifiers will make your dorm rooms more comfortable and fresh. Enjoying your first semester on campus without a chronic cough is much easier than suffering through it. 

Noise Cancelling Headphones

Last on the list is this very popular mention among upperclassmen. I just bought my own noise cancelling headphones this summer and can admit they are life-changing. They are absolutely perfect when you are at the gym since they don’t constantly fall out of your ears the way AirPods do and they help tune out everyone else around you. In addition to that, they are amazing while studying and trying to get schoolwork done. Blocking out your surroundings perfectly keeps you focused on the task at hand and even though they are definitely expensive, they’re worth the long-term investment. 

As you start your college journey, it’s important to have a safe and comfortable dorm to go back to, to make the adjustment to Stevens easier. Feel free to get creative with your dorm room and make it a place where you can thrive and enjoy this upcoming school year! Good luck ducks!