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Waddle On, Fellow Ducks

Hey everybody, in what will be my sixth time writing for The Stute over my illustrious career (3 of which being The Stupe), I would like to share with you all my submission for Commencement speaker. While I did not receive the honor of speaking, I still feel it encapsulates my time at Stevens well. One perk of its original essay format is that it will speak to you, my dear reader. That, and it is not terribly long or belaboring on any point. Please enjoy a slightly modified version of my speech:

If I had to boil down everything I have gained from Stevens into 3 key qualities, in order of ascending importance, my answer would probably be passion, charity, and intention. Coming to Stevens, I was expecting to find a bunch of nerds, and I was right, but not in the way I expected. What I found were poets, painters, performers, photographers, musicians, athletes, leaders—the list goes on. Common amongst all of us is an exceptional drive and love for our craft. Whether you’re a sports nerd, a theater nerd, or a nerd nerd, your passion inspires others. You lot have certainly inspired me, and you’re sure to do the same as you go forward, wherever you flock.

I think I am speaking for all of us when I say I would not be here today without the help of my friends and peers. There has never been a time when I have asked a fellow Duck for help and been denied. Heck, sometimes I am offered help without even asking. Be it help studying for an exam, a walk back home late at night (or rather early in the morning), or a shoulder to cry on after a bad day, I have seen and experienced an abundance of goodwill unlike anything I have known before at Stevens. That dependability, reciprocated, lightens your load and the burdens of all those around you. Extend that same care to all birds, regardless of feather.

What you all have gotten out of Stevens and will get out of life ahead is a function of what you put in. The most important thing I have learned here is to live with intention. I have had my fair share of wins at Stevens, but I have also taken some FAT L’s. Growth only happens when you reflect upon these outcomes and intentionally inform your future actions with that feedback. Feel the sting of failure. Savor the sweetness of success. Strive not for perfection but for satisfaction in all you do. For it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish; and only YOU pick the finish line. Thank you all and Go Ducks!