Following the success of The Female Orgasm, an “independent organizer” at Snevets announced they will be holding Snevet’s very first Male Orgasm event. The event is free to attend, and will take place on Monday, April 1st in the Dave’s Hall 3rd Floor Bathroom. It will feature “infographics” and “hands-on” demonstrations to teach undergraduates about the importance of the male orgasm.
“I’m a kinesthetic learner, so the whole ‘hands-on’ thing is really useful,” one anonymous student told The Stupe.
“I can’t wait to come,” another student reported.
Unlike The Female Orgasm, The Male Orgasm will be an informal, thirty-second to two minute presentation. Attendees are encouraged to bring a plus-one for “demonstrations,” and should “dress for a mess” (no shirt, no shoes).
“All I wanted from the Female Orgasm event was the t-shirt,” one Dave’s Hall resident told The Stute, “so I asked around if they’d have them at the Male Orgasm event too. Then someone in the 3rd floor bathroom told me not to even worry about clothes.”
Those looking to reserve a spot at the event can do so by tweeting their excitement to @sollowftevens. The event coordinators are excited for The Male Orgasm to go off with a bang!

Disclaimer: This article is part of The Stupe and is satire.