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Undergraduate Academics launches research portal to boost student involvement

Research is one of the easiest ways for students to further their education beyond what is learned in the classroom. While the curriculum here is renowned for producing skilled engineers, the participation in research at Stevens is significantly lower than that of other institutions, especially among undergraduate students. To help increase undergraduate involvement in research, the Office of Undergraduate Academics (OUA) recently announced the creation of an undergraduate research portal. To learn more, the Stute spoke with Stephanie Hierrezuelo, the Assistant Director of Pre-Professional Programs for OUA. 

The new portal, housed on Microsoft SharePoint, combines multiple systems into a streamlined interface. The portal was announced via email by David Zeng, Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Faculty Affairs, on November 28. OUA’s website will house the portal along with instructions on how to use it, as well as other tips on how to go about researching on campus. The website also outlines steps for Pinnacle and Clark scholars, but the new portal is open to all undergraduate students. 

The portal consists of a list of active research projects on campus sorted by date added. Each list item includes the project’s title, a quick description, the school, department, qualifications needed, the number of open positions, the advising professor, and their email. Additionally, users can filter the projects by the advising professor, school/department, total spots, and spots available. If a student finds an exciting project with open spots, the next step would be to contact the professor with the provided email. 

However, OUA—in partnership with IT—is taking this initiative further than the new portal. As a part of their push to create more equitable opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved in research, up to a $1,000 stipend is available for students with an approved project and advisor. According to the announcement email, “If you [any undergraduate student] identify a project aligning with your interests, we encourage you to reach out to the faculty member overseeing the project to discuss your potential involvement. If the faculty member agrees to supervise a student in their listed research project, Stevens will provide the project with financial support of up to $1,000. This support covers various research-related expenses, including student stipends based on project hours, materials, supplies, software and conference attendance. There is no limit to how many undergraduate students a faculty member can support. There is also no restriction on the major or school of a student. The funding will be available until the allotted 100 positions have been filled.” 

OUA’s new portal offers the chance for students to go beyond their typical education with vast-ranging benefits: communication skills, research skills, and risk management, all very appealing to potential employers and graduate programs. The new portal and stipend allow students of all interests, academic progress, primary, or background to participate in research that benefits them and can help make the world a better place. 

If you have questions, please contact Stephanie Hierrezuelo, Assistant Director for Pre-Professional Programs in the Office of Undergraduate Academics.