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Dr. Jeong Kim receives the National Medal of Technology and Innovation at the White House

In a ceremony at the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S. President Joe Biden presented the National Medal of Technology and Innovation to Dr. Jeong H. Kim, an honorary doctoral degree recipient, lecturer, and Commencement speaker from Stevens Institute of Technology. The event on October 24 marked a significant recognition of Dr. Kim’s groundbreaking contributions to engineering and technology, particularly in revolutionizing modern communication methods.

Standing in the East Room of the White House, President Biden lauded Dr. Kim for his pivotal role in advancing broadband optical systems, data communications, and wireless technologies. These advancements, the citation emphasized, have not only accelerated and clarified communication but have also bolstered battlefield communications, thereby enhancing national security. The ceremony underscored Dr. Kim’s embodiment of American entrepreneurship and innovation, values crucial for the nation’s progress.

Amidst applause from the audience, President Biden draped the prestigious medal around Dr. Kim’s neck as photographers captured the moment. Reflecting on his journey, Dr. Kim shared sentiments about seizing opportunities and defying the odds, stating, “When you have lived a life … a tough life, then you feel like, you know, you’ve got nothing to lose, and everything’s an opportunity. Most people think the chance of success is less than 5%. But 5% is good enough for me.”

Dr. Kim expressed his gratitude for the honor, remarking, “Receiving the Presidential Medal of Science and Innovation from President Biden was the honor of a lifetime.” His acknowledgment reflected the culmination of a remarkable career marked by transformative contributions to the technology field.

President Nariman Farvardin commended Dr. Kim for exemplifying the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship that inspires the university’s faculty, students, and alums. Acknowledging Dr. Kim as a valued member of the Stevens community, Farvardin expressed pride in the accomplishments of the distinguished honoree.

This recognition is not the first between Dr. Kim and Stevens. In 2012, while serving as the president of the renowned Bell Labs and chief strategy officer for Alcatel-Lucent, Dr. Kim delivered the graduate Commencement address at the university. Dr. Kim also received an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree on that occasion. The relationship between Dr. Kim and Stevens continued to flourish, with the entrepreneur delivering the annual Thomas H. Scholl Lecture by Visiting Entrepreneurs in 2014. During this lecture, Dr. Kim addressed a captivated audience in the DeBaun Auditorium, showcasing his insights and experiences.

Beyond his contributions to technology and entrepreneurship, Dr. Kim has maintained a longstanding role in civil service. Having served as a naval submarine officer for seven years, he has also lent his expertise to intelligence and advisory bodies, including the External Advisory Board of the CIA.

In 2014, as the founder, chairman, and CEO of Kiswe Mobile, Dr. Kim received France’s highest award, the Legion of Honor. He has actively recruited and placed Stevens graduates in various ventures throughout his career, solidifying his commitment to fostering the next generation of innovators.

As the nation recognizes Dr. Jeong H. Kim for his trailblazing work, his story stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of American ingenuity and the enduring impact of those who dedicate their lives to advancing technology and innovation.