In a groundbreaking project, Professor Hongbin Li, the Charles and Rosanna Batchelor Memorial Chair Professor, is leading a team in redefining the capabilities of radio frequency (RF) sensing. The project aims to push the boundaries of traditional radar technology, enabling it to detect non-line-of-sight (NLOS) targets — a limitation that has long plagued conventional RF sensing systems.
Modern applications of RF sensing, often associated with radar technology, are widespread, spanning domains such as air defense, traffic control, weather forecasting, and agricultural monitoring. With the proliferation of wireless communications, including radio, TV, cellular, and WiFi signals, RF sensing has become an integral part of our daily lives. The research spearheaded by Professor Li seeks to harness the potential of these signals for applications like security monitoring, target detection, tracking, and assisted living for older adults.
The crux of the issue lies in the reliance of traditional RF sensing technologies on line-of-sight (LOS) between the target and sensor, particularly at higher frequencies. Obstructions create shadows, severely limiting a radar’s ability to detect targets. Professor Li’s project aims to overcome this limitation by introducing a new RF sensing paradigm to detect NLOS targets effectively.
To tackle this challenge, the team will leverage reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS), a thin planar structure comprised of numerous small, low-cost passive elements. The independent adjustment of these factors allows for controlling the reflection of incident RF signals. Essentially functioning like wallpaper, RIS can cover various surfaces, such as buildings, walls, and ceilings, offering unprecedented opportunities for manipulating RF signal propagation.
The primary tasks of the project involve the joint design of radar and RIS, coupled with the development of sophisticated signal processing algorithms. The ultimate goal is to pave the way for more advanced and intelligent radars that can effectively “look and see around corners,” overcoming the limitations imposed by LOS constraints.
Professor Li expressed optimism about the project’s potential impact: “We hope the project will pave the way for more advanced and intelligent radars.”
The project recently received a significant boost with a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant. Most of the funds will support graduate students and postdocs engaged in the research, ensuring that a diverse and skilled team can contribute to developing this groundbreaking technology.
As Professor Li and his team embark on this ambitious endeavor, the implications for the future of RF sensing and radar technology are profound. The project could usher in a new era of intelligent radars, expanding their capabilities and applications across various fields, from defense to everyday security and monitoring. The fusion of RF sensing and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces promises to reshape the landscape of technology, offering solutions that were once deemed impossible.