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SGA Toys for Tots Fundraiser

One of the central hubs of student life here at Stevens is the Stevens Student Government Association(SGA). Its various committees help organize and oversee all student-run clubs on campus, they put on fun events to help students relax, they serve as a voice for the student body, and through the Government and Communications committee (Gov & Com), they host charitable events, and get students involved with local affairs. The current focus of the Gov & Com committee is on their Toys for Tots initiative.

Toys for Tots is a charity backed by the Marine Corps Reserve, whose mission is to raise money, and buy toys for low-income children during the holidays. The majority of the money is raised in November, to be spent in December so that disadvantaged children can wake up on December 25 with a new toy.

The Gov & Com committee’s fundraiser is running between November 5 and 24. The primary goal is to raise money for the organization. However, Evan Peneiras, Gov & Com committee chair and his team are also hoping to show unity among the student body in the form of charity.

In order to encourage student participation, the fundraiser is organized as a competition between all student organizations on campus. When giving money through the online portal, students specify which club or organization they are representing in their donation. Throughout the three week event, the SGA will track the total amount of money raised by each organization and will award a prize of 50 free hot wheels for the organization that raises the most money.
Either talk to your club leaders, or find this article online to get the link to donate money. Cash and checks can also be turned in by hand to SGA Vice President of Finance Kevin Pfundstein. Finally stay updated through the SGA instagram @stevens_sga which will post an updated leaderboard two to three times a week.