On Saturday April 22, the newly-formed Stevens Lifting Team and Hoboken Barbell hosted the first Annual Hoboken Barbell Classic Powerlifting meet. The meet was well-attended by athletes representing Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, Seton Hall University, Cornell University, and a guest lifter from Columbia University.
Numerous athletes attained qualifying totals for next year’s (2024) USAPL National Collegiate Powerlifting Championships, and nearly everyone on the team hit new Personal Records (PRs).
In the Women’s 56kg division, junior Chloe Brenna took first place with a total of 242.5kg, hitting new PRs on both the squat (85kg) and deadlift (115kg). Freshman Chris Longo took second place with a total of 227.5kg while achieving a new PR on the bench press (50kg). In the Women’s 75kg division, freshman Dalia Abbad took second place with a total of 210kg and a PR of 105kg on the deadlift.
Sophomores Rhys Robichaud and Zach Bruffy took first place in the Men’s 67.5kg and 75kg divisions, respectively. Stevens Lifting Team’s Secretary, sophomore Jacob Lopez, took first place in the 82.5kg division, with President and sophomore Matthew Werner just behind in second place. The largest division, Men’s 90kg, saw Matt Talarica (Seton Hall) in first, Stevens Lifting Team’s Vice President and sophomore Kyle Farias in second, and junior Ryan Chin in third place. The Men’s 100kg division was led by Stevens Lifting Team’s Treasurer and sophomore Ray Murphy taking first place, Team Captain and junior Zach Weiserth in second, and freshman Blake Whartenby in third place. Senior Nicholas Villa took first place in the Men’s 125kg division.
The Overall Best Lifter Award went to Jacob Lopez, with a 600kg Total in the Men’s 82.5kg division.