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Courtesy of Caroline Montana for The Stute

Stevens introduces Guardian app in effort to promote campus safety

You may have noticed that the campus blue light system is no longer in effect. Have no fear! Stevens has partnered with RAVE Safety to implement a mobile replacement to the previous system. RAVE Safety, founded in 2004, was designed to safely share critical emergency notifications and data. Now, you can download the Rave Guardian app in the app store. 

App features include many widgets, most notably a direct line to campus police. Gone are the days of typing in 3-911, as emergency services are accessible with the click of a button. Other features include the ability to submit a campus care report, which covers everything from bias incidents to mental health concerns. Additionally, a catalog of various emergency numbers (including suicide hotlines, the Trevor Project, etc.) are all listed via the call directory, acting as a digital backpack for any health-related needs. The Guardian App boasts a unique safety timer feature; if you believe you will be entering an unsafe situation, this timer can be set to an allotted period of time. When you leave the unsafe situation, disable the timer, or you will be prompted to disable the timer. If you do not disable the timer, campus police will presume you are stuck in an unsafe situation and track your location. 

All staff and students can make a “Detailed Caller Profile.” In this profile, you are prompted to provide information about any medical conditions, your course schedule, and other relevant information. By disclosing this information on the secure RAVE network, you enable campus police to find you more efficiently in an emergency situation. Finally, the fastest way to get critical campus alerts is to download the Guardian app. Notifications about campus and surrounding area police activity will be sent directly to your phone. 

Your information and location are protected, information about you or your location is only sent to campus police when your safety timer expires or you place a panic call to the police. Additionally, guardians who are not campus police (friends, family, etc.) can be linked to your profile. You have the ability to set a safety timer linked only to your non-police guardians, in which case campus police will not be notified about your location when the timer expires.

Stevens campus police strongly encourage everyone to download the guardian app, especially following the recent string of crimes reported by Campus Police in a recent Stevens announcement. In regards to the recent events during Freshman Orientation, Chief of Police, Timothy Griffin, stated in a mass email that the “situation was peacefully resolved,” but he would like to “remind everyone to take this opportunity and sign-up for the Rave Guardian app which allows members of our community to communicate directly with Campus Police during times of emergency.”

Download the Campus Guardian app today to promote campus and individual safety!

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