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Give a Mask, Get a Mask campaign gives boost to community

From August 21 to September 9, the Office of Development and Alumni Engagement sponsored a campaign to support both the Hoboken and Stevens community. The campaign, called “Give a Mask, Get a Mask,” resulted in alumni donors from around the nation giving aid to the community.

As a part of the campaign, if alumni or other donors gave a gift of $10 or more, they were sent a Stevens-themed face mask and hand sanitizer. In return for their donation, a Stevens health kit, consisting of masks, sanitizer, and a thermometer, was also provided to the Hoboken Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).

According to Thomas Gaudet, Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement, “The Hoboken CERT Program is an all volunteer organization of community members educated about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area. To learn more about CERT, please visit the official website.”

Collectively, 625 health kits were donated to aid CERT. As a result, the contribution is intended for continued COVID-19 and future hazard preparedness for the Hoboken community.

In addition to health kit donations, a total of $15,000 was raised from alumni for the Stevens Rises Relief Fund. This fund provides relief to students facing unexpected challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gaudet stated, “All contributions to the Stevens Rises Relief Fund will help students who, due to protective measures against the coronavirus, struggle to afford housing, transportation, basic needs, and required resources for remote learning, or who are facing other unforeseen personal difficulties. This fund will support students facing hardship now and in the months ahead. Any funds that remain will be used to support the university’s response in returning to normal business operations.”

The alumni donations came from 33 different states, including cities distant from Hoboken such as Washington, DC. In addition, alumni donors ranged from the Class of 1948 to the Class of 2020.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the campaign was an effort to support not only the Stevens community, but also the Hoboken community. In addition to the $15,000 of alumni donations, the Stevens Rises Relief Fund has currently pulled together $86,000.

For more information on how to obtain funding from the Stevens Rises Relief Fund please contact Sara Klein, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, at

To learn more about the “Give a Mask, Get a Mask” campaign, please contact, Thomas Gaudet, Assistant Director of Annual Giving & Alumni Engagement, at

The Give a Mask, Get a Mask initiative resulted in 625 sets of personal protective equipment (PPE) being donated to Hoboken CERT. Photos courtesy of @presidentfarvardin on Instagram.

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