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Class of 2020 graduation ceremony stays virtual

On April 21, Marybeth Murphy, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, announced that Stevens had made the decision to postpone an in-person graduation until October 2020. However, due to current restrictions and risks, Stevens has made the decision to hold a completely virtual graduation on October 18.

According to David Zimmerman, Executive Director of University Events, many factors went into the decision for a completely virtual graduation. For example, New Jersey is still limiting indoor events to 25% of total occupancy or 100 people, whichever is smaller. Also, New Jersey currently requires that travelers from 31 states quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.

When discussing how the decision was finalized, Zimmerman explained, “Holding a virtual ceremony will at least offer closure to the Class of 2020 on achieving their diplomas.” He further mentioned that administration discussed options with a number of graduating students, both local and distanced. They came to the conclusion that an in-person ceremony in any shape or form would exclude the majority of the class.

While there was not a formal survey sent to the entire class of 2020, students were surveyed informally. Meetings with the Senior Week Committee, Graduate Student Council, and Class of 2020 President also took place. Comments from these surveys and meetings were reviewed by administration to aid them in making a decision.

Some changes were implemented to improve the situation for the graduates. In addition to a picture and quote, every graduate can upload a 10-second video that they can use to speak to their fellow graduates, family, and friends. Additionally, graduation caps and gowns can be ordered for free, and every graduate will have their name read during the ceremony.

Zimmerman concluded by stating, “Administration waited as long as possible to see if things would change. Even though we are having virtual ceremonies on October 18, we also plan on having a celebration of the Class of 2020 when we can bring the class back together.”

On October 18, the Masters Degree/Ph.D. Ceremony will be held at 9 a.m., and the Bachelors Degree Ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. More details about these ceremonies can be found at

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