When you step onto the Stevens campus, it’s clear to see that some very important changes are taking place (I mean, it’s pretty hard to miss the construction around here), but this year we have a quieter and much less bothersome change occurring in our Office of Undergraduate Student Life — the arrival of our new Greek Coordinator, Amanda DePinho!
Amanda is a friendly, bubbly addition to the Office of Student Life, as I soon found out when I sat down to interview her for the paper. She welcomed me with a smile before I could even verify that she was Amanda (having never met her before, I didn’t want to make the mistake of interviewing the wrong person), and I knew my first interview for The Stute would be much less nerve-wracking than I had imagined it would be.
I found out that Amanda earned her bachelor’s degree at Montclair State University and is currently a graduate student there. Determined to work in higher education, she landed the position as the Greek Coordinator here at Stevens after a successful interview day at Montclair State University. I asked her what appealed to her about this specific position, and she told me that she knew she wanted to work in Student Affairs, but more specifically, Greek life. At Stevens, Amanda works with Malcolm McDaniel, the Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life. She also hosts a leadership conference for people involved in Greek life called Impact and advises the IFC (International Fraternity Council) and UGC (United Greek Committee). So far, she’s enjoying meeting and interacting with students on campus, learning how Greek life is governed at Stevens, and working with other office members who she’s excited to work with.
Of course, interviewing the new Greek Coordinator automatically merits the question of whether Amanda is part of a sorority, and it turns out she’s a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon! As a freshman, I asked her for any tips for rushing, and she said that it’s important to find a place that you feel stands out to you. She felt that the philanthropy DPhiE stands for was important to her as well and connected to the women in her sorority.
I will definitely be keeping this advice in mind as I figure out my own Greek journey, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to speak with her about it. I hope everyone has an opportunity to meet her as well as we welcome her to the Stevens family!
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