The American Chemical Society (ACS) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers hosted Mole-o-Ween, a night filled with magnetic slime, blood-like paintings, pumpkin painting, treats, and giveaways. Mole-o-ween was in celebration of Mole Day, a day to celebrate Avogadro’s number, 6.022 x 10^23. Christina Puntiel, the Vice President of ACS, said that the main goal of the event was to “showcase how chemistry can be made fun and incorporated into anything.” When asked what she hoped students would take from it, she said, “I hope people just gain a little more passion for chemistry. Hopefully it shows them it’s not that scary and you can do pretty cool things with it.” Many had a lot of fun making their own bags of magnetic slime and admiring the pumpkin paintings. When asked about how they felt about Mole-a-Ween, some attendees said, “I’m having fun and learning!” and “It’s fun, enthusiastic, creative, and I would do it again.” Nick Thome, Public Relations Chair for ACS, said, “We just want students to come by and see that chemistry can be fun and more than just monotonous classwork.”

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