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The One About Important Things

I am at the point in the semester where I really do not know what month it is or how many weeks we have left in the school year. The days are pretty shifty in my mind too; I was almost certain that Tuesday was Monday despite having gone to my Monday classes. Fortunately, I had my schedule imported into my phone calendar because I would have no idea what’s going on without it. I do feel that despite this haze I have learned a lot in this past semester. I want to share.

The first thing I have learned is that the world is a lot bigger than just the United States. We have fifty states, all crawling with culture and things that make them different from each other. But other countries have so much to offer. Portugal, for example. I stayed in Lisbon over Spring Break for a course and everything about Portugal was breathtaking. There is no real way to describe the beauty of the culture and land, or how I adored every minute of the little trips to towns outside of Lisbon. I can say that being there made the world feel so much bigger. Looking out over Cabo de Roca, I felt like there was so much more to see that I have not already and it made me excited about traveling further.

The next thing I learned is that you need to stop making time for people who would never make time for you. If they are not answering, it is because they do not want to talk to you. Do not waste your time getting worked up over people who don’t care as much as you do. It is okay to be selfish; it is okay to want people to want you around. There are people who do, but you are probably focusing on the people who do not. You should stop that.

The last important thing I have learned this semester is that anything can feel better as long as you have Netflix, Beyoncé, and a bag of your favorite candy. If you are feeling low, watch a movie with your favorite actor/actress in it. Listen to hours of Beyoncé music and if you are not a Beyoncé type of person, The Maine, Ingrid Michelson, Sam Smith, and J-Cole all have your back.  You can spend time being sad and tripping over yourself, but always remember that you are the hero of the story you are living. You will get through it.

That being said, I hope you guys have a great weekend and that this helped remind you of things I’m sure you already know. See you next week.


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