Spotted — Gossip Girl herself, headed towards the Babbio Center.
That’s right, sweeties. It’s me.
After years of traipsing along the Upper East Side, I decided — what better way to spend my time than to dedicate myself to investigating the sad, sexless lives of nerds on Snevets campus? The choked emotions, the honor board violation(s), the Greek scandals… oh, it’s bound to be riveting.
Some might call this a fustercluck. I call it just another day at Castle Point. But there are no princes or princesses here — just a lot of sad, sad students, choking on some Adderall and drinking their sorrows away.
They say every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and once something is set in motion, it can’t help but build up momentum. I’m hoping the laws of physics apply here, too, though the wind tunnel at the Howe Building seems to indicate otherwise.
Gossip Girl
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