On Thursday, Nov. 9, the Indian Undergraduate Association (IUA) held Henna Night in Babbio Atrium. Henna Night is an event where people can come get henna done by professional artists and eat traditional Indian food. Among the cuisine were chicken lollipops and an orange, candied syrup. Many students took the chance to decorate themselves in an array of designs that the artists had available. While henna can be used for celebrations like these, henna also serves a different purpose. “The smell repels mosquitoes”, said Ashna Manhas, president of IUA. She also explained how henna is significant among weddings, where Indian brides are usually adorned in “mehndi” (the Hindi word for henna). The event usually takes about 2-3 weeks in advance to plan, but it was accomplished smoothly through the help of Ashna and her e-board. As IUA continues to host these special events, they hope that more people will come to immerse themselves in Indian culture.

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