On October 18, from 1 to 3 PM on Schaefer Lawn, Stevens Irish Association, SIA, played Irish Skittles. The purpose of the event was to “introduce students to a unique Irish game and get to throw blocks of wood,” said Dylan McDermott, a member of the SIA e-board. Irish Skittles is a traditional Irish game similar to lawn bowling. The Stevens Irish Association hosts Irish Skittles every semester. To play Irish Skittles, one throws wooden blocks and attempts to knock down numbered blocks of different point values to get the highest score. 82 people attended the event, which was similar to attendance from previous semesters. There was a lot of candy including skittles and drinks.
Stevens Irish Association is one of the newer ethnic organizations on campus. Their goal is to “explore Irish heritage and promote authentic Irish culture on the Stevens Campus and the greater Hoboken area and by doing so foster Irish pride and community,” according to their Facebook page. They hope you will join if you are interested in Irish Culture, learning Gaelic, or having fun. The Stevens Irish Association invites anyone interested to attend one of its bi-weekly meetings.
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