Bad days are inevitable. No matter how hard you try, sometimes things go wrong, and that’s okay. How we deal with the things that are going on around us says a lot about who we are. Some people find it easier to confide in others, while other people tend to shut down and close themselves off from the rest of the world. But it’s not always that simple – people don’t just have one reaction to every bad event that comes their way. They don’t express their emotions in the same way each time something bad happens, because humans are complex.
There’s always a struggle to try to figure out who we are, but we’re constantly trying to figure out and understand other people too. How do we expect to understand what other people are feeling, if more than half the time, we have no idea what’s going through our own minds? We react to other people’s moods and emotions. Every relationship is a give and take – it’s why we clash with some people and why we get along with others. We listen to people’s problems and try to talk about how their situations affect our lives. We love making everything about ourselves, and we love to hate people for things out of their control. How do we expect other people to open up to us if every time they do, we judge them and try to make their problems our own?
Bad days are okay if you surround yourself with the right people. You’re allowed to hide away in your dorm watching Netflix for days because you don’t want to be with your friends. You’re allowed to overcompensate by being even nicer to everyone around you than usual. You can have a bad day and not have to apologize for it despite everyone around you making you feel like it’s abnormal to be feeling horrible because you’re entitled to your feelings, no matter what anyone else has to say on the matter.
Now, I can’t say that any of this is scientifically accurate or anything of the sort. Hell, my assumptions and opinions are just as good as yours. This is just the mind of a freshman, wondering what’s going on in this world.
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