Organized by Sigma Phi Epsilon (Sig Ep) and Delta Phi Epsilon (DPhiE), 165 freshmen represented their respective dorm halls and battled it out in four Hall Brawl competitions: Volleyball, Tug-Of-War, Ultimate Frisbee, and Alaskan Baseball.
In past years, the funds were donated to Big Brother Big Sister of America, but Sig Ep and DPhiE decided this year they wanted to make a change closer to home. From dorm-storming and participation fees for Hall Brawls, $800 were donated to the Hoboken Homeless Shelter this year. Not only do these two organizations host the annual Hall Brawls, but brothers and sisters also volunteer their time throughout the school year to help prepare and serve meals to those less fortunate in Hoboken. Sig Ep brother and one of the Hall Brawl coordinators, Brandon Wong, emphasized that not only do brothers organize large volunteer dates during each semester but “at least two Sig Eps volunteer at the Homeless Shelter every week.”
After all the competitions and the battle scars, only one hall was victorious. Castle Point Hall 4th floor earned the title of “Hall Brawls Champions,” a title they will hold until the next class of freshmen fill the same four dorm halls and achieve the same discoveries of the Stevens lifestyle.
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