To the graduating class, I just want to say congratulations. Whether it has been four, five, or more years here at Stevens, I’m sure you are more than ready to leave. Or are you? Ever since I stepped foot on campus, the reactions of graduating seniors have been very mixed. Some have shown excitement while others dread their incoming lives as “full-fledged adults.” Makes me wonder if the countless hours of stress and studying is only the beginning of a life full of it? Is that what you seniors are worried about? Will life after Stevens be just more Stevens? I would hope so and at the same time, hope not. Some people say your high school years are the best. Well, those people are stupid. Others say your college years are your best. That I think I can get behind. Despite the aforementioned countless hours of stress and agony, I really feel like I’ve accomplished a lot in two years. I’ve had academic achievements, made countless friends, and even have the privilege to be your newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief. I’ve only had two years so I cannot imagine what four or more years here has made all of you to be or what you’ve made of yourselves in that time. With that said, the brevity of your time here at Stevens is meant to prepare you for what’s out there and I understand the idea of being worried about leaving. You’ve been accustomed to the life as a college student here. Now that it is time to be, as my friends would call it, “a real adult”, I am truly excited for you to experience your adventures and earn your accomplishments like you have done here at Stevens. Congratulations again, and if you are ever curious about the happenings on campus, you know where to find us!
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