Stevens Res Life hosted the Red and Gray Par-tay in celebration of the start of the fall semester. This event, hosted on the first Monday of the semester, was the first event new freshmen could attend at Stevens.
Known to most of the upperclassman as fiesta, Res life decided to change its name. However, the name wasn’t the only change at the event, the overall appearance differed from previous fall semester kick off events. Area director of lower campus Stevens Couras commented, “We minimalized a little. We added blacklights as opposed to crazy strobes so the lighting wasn’t as intense as it was in the past. The music was different, it was a little bit more dance-oriented.” This event focused on black-light as opposed to glow sticks at previous events. However, that doesn’t mean there weren’t any glow sticks. Resident Assistants handed out bags at the entrance filled with glow sticks as well as snacks and other assorted goods. These small changes have resulted in an increase in attendance from last year’s kick-off event
At the event, Compass One’s Stephanie Szucs and Carmine DePasquale chose to offer finger foods such as watermelon and ice cream. Steven Couras, as well as those that attended, would like to thank Stephanie and Carmine for their exceptional work.
As for music, RAs chose to have Owen Egbert, a Music and Technology student here at Stevens, known by his stage name, Ozone, DJ the event. Res Life decided to feature more Pop music as opposed to EDM music as in the past.
The event was a success. Over 700 students attended with the majority freshman. The preparations for the event took the most of the summer and, as evidenced by the attendees, the preparations paid off.
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