By: CJ Intercola and Veronica Melikov
Alongside Dr. Melissa Zarin, Mr. Albert Sultan works to help students at the Stevens Counseling Center. Interning as part of his studies, Sultan has found a passion for working with the community at Stevens. As a student at Rutgers University, Sultan expressed his ability to relate to the anxieties and problems that others felt. “I just love this age range, I’m not that far off from it! So I think I do understand some things,” he stated. Sultan offers the following advice for students regarding the management of stress and anxiety: “Monitor your function for a bit. See if there’s a drop off in your stress of coming to school or dealing with new social realms, things of that nature.” Sultan finishes his doctoral internship at Stevens soon but, hopes that the interactions he has had with students at this school will have a lasting, positive impact.
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