Dr. Mukundan Iyengar is an Assistant Professor of Teaching and Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Stevens, specializing in programming and computer science. He began his career at Stevens in the fall of 2012. Iyengar attended the University of Central Florida, Orlando for both his undergraduate and graduate studies, earning a PhD in Computer Science. Students can look forward to his “fun, engaging, [inspiring], and informative” courses all the way from Intro to Programming (E115) to Starting and Growing Companies in the Computer Science Domain (CPE810).
According to Professor Iyengar, freshman often have “[a] tendency to settle for less. As a freshman who has four or more years at school, one should aim for the stars. Especially students in computer engineering should absolutely try to build an empire from scratch. Why? Because to build a billion dollar company in this domain, all you need is a laptop and stable Internet connection. Add to that mix a lot of youthful passion and fervor and you really have all it takes.”
While Iyengar is often busy with other engagements, he still occasionally finds time to “workout, swim, hike, and engage in artistic things like photography and calligraphy.”
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