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The mockingbird’s call

Writing this article, I am sitting on my bed at home typing away at my computer. It is currently 12:34am, and it has been a great few days of relaxing after a long week of midterms. I live in an area where the sky is so clear that you are able to see millions of stars in the sky and pick out constellations with ease. Ever since my family and I moved here years ago, that has been one of my most favorite pastimes.

Another one of my favorite parts of living where I do now is hearing the constant chirp of birds of many species outside my window. I live in an area that is surrounded by relatively untouched woodland, with trees that reach heights of over 100 feet tall and have been standing for at least 75 years, unscathed by harsh storms or by man’s chainsaw. Because of this, there is a plethora of different species of birds that migrate through and live on my property.

There are many different species that can be heard and seen on a regular basis during most of the year. Because of the harsh winters, however, the bird calls are usually not heard.  Just as I was thinking about this while sitting on my bed, I began to hear the chirp of a mockingbird outside the window I opened to let in the cool breeze from the late winter’s night. Even though it was past midnight, the mockingbird strangely sings throughout the night, as if it’s calling out for help. After it sends out its distinct call, soon enough others begin to respond.

Like the mockingbird’s call into the dark night, sometimes I find myself calling out for guidance when I am unsure of certain decisions that I am called to make within my life. However, I always find that someone is there to help me, like the bird that always responds to the mockingbird’s call outside my window. No matter how helpless someone may feel, there is always someone who can respond to their call, and assist them in whatever they may need.