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Khoda Senior Honor Society releases 2016 revision to Bylaws and Constitution

The most recent Khoda constitution and bylaws are available for download on the Stevens Khoda website as of March 2. Ordinarily hidden from normal view, the now accessible documents shed some light onto the senior honor society’s core functions and beliefs.

Despite the public mission statement of unifying and improving student life, Khoda’s motto is strikingly simple: leadership. This extends all the way to their insignia, which is a Lion sitting upright on a short pedestal. The Iranian word “Khoda” is imprinted in Nastaʿlīq script on the base, which can translate to “lord” or “god.” Khoda’s bylaws further detail its purpose, aims, and duties. Their stated goal is to “insure that student organizations are properly administered.”

Over the years there has been much speculation over the society, with rumors ranging from Khoda being a group of students who actively report Honor System violations to Khoda being a committee of event planners who spark large events, such as RAGE. Either way, the small group of students who comprise the Khoda Senior Honor Society hold tremendous influence, if only by virtue of their preexisting positions on campus.

Traditionally, offers to join Khoda are extended to one rising senior from each of the longstanding organizations on campus: the Student Government Association, Ethnic Student Council, Honor Board, 1870 Society, Student Faculty Alliance, and The Stute. Other active students from fraternities and sororities are also considered for membership, but vary by year.

Membership is mostly capped at 12 students, but can be lower by the decision of the current membership or if one or more selected students reject their offers. However, offers may be made to students prior to their last year at Stevens (e.g. 4/5 engineering students on co-op), allowing the membership exceed 12.

While the SGA President, ESC President, The Stute Editor-in-Chief, and Honor Board Chairman are “typically given special consideration and oversight” for the Khoda membership, none of them can stand on the Khoda executive board while they hold their positions in their respective organizations.

In addition to their rituals, the membership of Khoda must hold a “Safety Walk” and a “Koffee Klatch” each semester as part of their efforts to address failing infrastructure on campus and hear concerns from the Stevens faculty. According to schedule data found on Stevens Virtual EMS, Khoda meetings seem to take place on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, alternating between the Calder and Alumni conference rooms in the Howe Center. Meetings are generally closed, with the room being guarded by the Sergeant at Arms. However, an open invitation can be passed to any undergraduate student following a unanimous decision by the Khoda membership.

New members are notified of their installation in Khoda during what are called “Tapping and Initiation Ceremonies.” Upon graduation, every member of Khoda confers Alumni membership status, which is lifelong. The full list of alumni and honorary members can be viewed at