This past Friday marked the beginning of the Stevens Game Development Club’s Game Jam. In a Game Jam, participants work alone or in teams to make a game in seven days. The only creative requirement is a single word that each game must reflect. Other than that, the details of each game areĀ up to the creators. The game doesn’tĀ even have to be a specific format; it could be a video game, board game, party game, or anything else the creators wish. With so much freedom, SGDC Game Jams always allow for tremendous creativity.
At the announcement ceremony, club president Kevin Quigley thanked the contestants for coming, noting that this was the largest Game Jam in SGDC history. Reminding everyone that all outside work must be credited, he announced this Game Jam’s theme: extract. Contestants then broke into groups and dispersed, brainstorming games based on “extract.” Some talked about extracting targets from combat zones, others about espionage, and others about ZIPĀ files.
All submissions for Game Jam must be in by 7:01 p.m. on Friday November 13th. At that time, SGDC will meet in the student lounge on the third floor of the Lieb building. Contestants will present their games to an audience, which will then playtest and vote on which game was the most fun, among other categories. Students who are not general membersĀ are also welcome for their unbiased opinion.
To learn more about SGDC, the club can be reached at