When deciding what to write for Thursday’s Letter Writing Party, junior Anu Sapkota had plenty of options. Suggested material for patients of the Children’s Specialized Hospital ranged from understandingly restrictive to unabashedly punny. Writers were cautioned, “Do not write ‘get well,’ because some of the children receiving these cards suffer from chronic or fatal medical conditions.” Instead, jokes were recommended, like “Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot!” (assuming this card was not intended for a nasal surgery ward). Sapkota ended up choosing a favorite of hers attributed to Donald Duck, “Happiness is the richest thing we will ever own.”
This sentiment was indicative of the intentions behind the event. “Usually we have ‘More Love Letters’ send us people in need of good spirits,” said Campus Cursive member Matt Hall. Farhana Begum added, “This time we’re doing it a bit different—[StevensTHON executive board member] Kristen [Allocco] approached us about coming together for an event.” With Campus Cursive providing the supplies and Chipotle-catered food, the newly-formed StevensTHON was more than elated to co-host. They also promoted their upcoming 24-hour dance marathon to raise money for children with long term disabilities. Fellow executive board member Richard LoGatto said, “We’ll be on our feet signifying that we’re representing their constant struggle and raising awareness.”
Those wishing to help both of the organizations in their charitable pursuits can look forward to Campus Cursive’s “Good Luck on Finals” event near the beginning of December and the aforementioned StevensTHON planned for mid-April. Sending over seventy letters, Stevens students showed that, when given the chance, we can give out the richest thing we own to those who deserve such a currency.