I can say that this week has certainly been an eventful one. Between classes, midterm prep, and R.A.G.E. week, I have a lot to write about. Last week was definitely eventful with all of the events that surrounded R.A.G.E., from the Kickoff Barbeque to Assassins. That week overall was very busy for me, from preparation for the chemistry midterm, to my interview for an Honor Board position, but I managed to participate in the festivities by playing in the Assassins game.
The game was set to start at midnight on September 28. I figured I would be an easy target and that I would be “assassinated” as soon as the competition started. The next morning, I gathered my belongings to begin the day, including my newly acquired weapon and bandanna (Assassins essentials). When I walked outside for the first time that day, it was too quiet. I knew that it was especially quiet because of the game, but I went about my day. Throughout the day, however, I made sure to always watch my back for potential assassins.
Whenever I saw someone come toward me, I thought that they might be approaching me for that reason, but thankfully every time I was wrong. By the end of the day, I was still in the game. All around me, I could hear my friends talk about who had assassinated them and how they had done it. I was actually kind of surprised that they hadn’t lasted as long as I had at that point; I figured I would be the first one out among my friend group.
Hoping that my luck wouldn’t run out right away, I continued on with my week. After all, avoiding being assassinated by someone was the least of my priorities that week. I also had to keep up with my regular classes and start studying for a chemistry exam that I had the week after. On top of that, I had an interview with the Honor Board that Wednesday as a part of the application process to be accepted. Needless to say, I went about the next few days both going about my day as normal and making sure that my assassin was nowhere to be seen.
By Wednesday evening, I was preparing for my Honor Board interview and was not concerned with hiding from my assassin, whoever he or she might be. I had my interview at 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday evening. While I was waiting to be called into the room, a guy walked up to me and asked me if I knew where a certain person was so he could tell them that he assassinated their victim for them for the Assassins game. He then began to tell me how he was in the game and how he just got assigned a new person to assassinate. After he said that, he pulled up the person’s Facebook profile on his phone and handed it to me, while asking if I knew who it was.
Well, when I saw the person’s profile I was stunned: it was my profile! I had actually met my assassin! To throw him off, I said that I didn’t know who it was and he actually believed me. He replied, “Yeah, no one knows who this person is.” When he walked away I was so surprised that he actually didn’t recognize me. After that shock, I carried on with my interview and continued on with the rest of my week. To this day, I have yet to be assassinated, and I plan to keep it that way!