Students new to Stevens Institute of Technology were bombarded with a multitude of icebreakers, presentations, and activities during Orientation. Amidst the fun and play, the Stevens Honor Board welcomed freshmen into the Stevens Honor System at an Induction Ceremony on the steps of Walker Gymnasium last Thursday. Peer mentors corralled their groups of mentees to the Walker steps where they were met by the Stevens Honor Board, an elected body of students who are responsible for upholding the principles of the Honor System. Honor Board Chair Elena Piper asked the students to recite a short pledge, which affirmed their induction into the Stevens Honor System. “Your induction signifies your entrance into our Community of Honor and Trust and the beginning of your honorable academic career at Stevens,” said Piper. Students were then asked to sign a Class of 2019 Honor System banner, which will most likely be displayed at convocation. The newest students on campus are now orientated, inducted, and ready to begin their journeys here at Stevens.