It seems like every faculty member at Stevens happily offers assistance when approached. John Maurizi, the director of campus recreation, exemplifies this seemingly universal Stevens trait. When members of The Stute called his cell phone to inquire about recreational sports in a phone interview, Maurizi answered his hands-free Bluetooth device while driving, and he happily answered the questions we posed. Then our call connection dropped. At that point, he told us that he would pull over in order to call back from his cell phone for better reception.
Maurizi informed us that he will soon launch social media accounts in order to keep students up to date with recreational functions. You can discover more about intramurals and club sports through their Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages. Maurizi noted that in terms of popularity, you might find most involved people playing flag football in the fall and playing five-on-five basketball in the spring. However, students have the option of joining any of the 19 club sports offered at Stevens, including the aforementioned flag football and five-on-five basketball. In the near future, club sports will welcome knockerball into the mix, making an even 20 sports available to students.
If you’re worried about fitting intramural sports into your busy college schedule, don’t be. Maurizi affirms that time management won’t prove problematic for students; he states that most meetings will take place in the evening, with weeknights generally after 7 p.m. and on Sundays between 5 and 11 p.m. Making time management even easier for certain procrastinators, team captains create and distribute their schedules for the semester in advance. If you had any doubts, rest assured that you can definitely fit intramurals and club sports into your daily college routine. Maurizi suggests everyone look into campus recreation because students can meet new people, relieve stress, and also engage in physical activity—all great benefits to enhance your college experience.
For more information and a full list of all club sports and intramurals, you can go to