Okay, I know we go to a tech school and most people don’t believe in any type of paranormal activity. But strange things happen in this world that can’t be explained! So in honor of Halloween, I thought I’d share a few stories about the haunted house I grew up in.
My grandmother had the house built in 1993, and she passed away in 2002. She actually died in my room (freaky, huh?). Then, my mom bought it and my family moved in. Now, my mom is somewhat of a spiritual person. She always liked to believe that Grandma was still in the house with us.
One time, my mom woke up in the middle of the night. Her room door was open and she thought she saw a light float past through the hallway. So, she got up and she heard a strange noise coming from my sister’s room. When she went over there, the electric pencil sharpener was on. There was a pencil in it, sharpening! She grabbed the pencil and threw it across the room. Now, this is the type of pencil sharpener that you need to like hold the pencil with force for it to sharpen. So, it was really freaky. I have that pencil sharpener in my dorm room.
My mom, my two sisters, and I witnessed the second freak accident. We came home from Walmart and we were bringing the bags in. The way my house is laid out, the front door enters a big rectangular room with high ceilings, and the living room takes up the front section, and the dining room is the area in the back. Then the kitchen is a smaller square room off to the back left but there aren’t any walls or doors separating it. It’s a really open space. So, we bring the bags in and put a few on the dining room table and we bring some to the kitchen. We’re all standing in the kitchen in a circle, talking about whatever, looking through one of the bags. And we all stopped talking suddenly and looked over to the dining room at the same time, and we watched the centerpiece, a heavy metal tea-light candelabra, slide at least a foot and a half across the table and fall. All of the little glass holders scattered on the floor and some of them broke.
The last paranormal activity I experienced was Christmas Eve a few years ago. My little sister was one of those does-she-still-believe-in-Santa ages, so my mom and I were wrapping gifts all night. The lights were off but the TV was on. We decided to take a break and sit on the couch watching the local channel playing slideshows of seasonal events in town and christmas music. We were just talking about life or whatever and my mom has a sudden realization. “Oh, I know what’s been wrong!” And I ask her like what she’s talking about. She says, “The clock has been missing batteries for a few months. Grandma hasn’t been able to communicate.” And I told her that I might have some AA batteries in my room and then the clocked chimed! It’s supposed to go off on the hour and I don’t even know what time it was.
I don’t really believe in supernatural occurrences, but I’ve seen things that can’t be unseen. I know that weird things have happened in my house, but I don’t know the cause. Maybe it’s a spirit. We don’t know. And we’ll never know. It’s just another spooky mystery.
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