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The Stute

Alpha Phi’s Red Dress Brunch

On September 17, 2022, the Alpha Phi sorority held their annual Red Dress Brunch to raise money for their philanthropy, the Alpha Phi Foundation.

The Mystery of Derealization

Have you ever been gripped by the suspicion that nothing is real? A former student here at Stevens has endured feelings of unreality since childhood.

How do I navigate the UCC?


The new UCC is a huge campus space that most students haven’t gotten a chance to explore yet. Once you spend some time in the different spaces it will get easier to navigate throughout the semester and figure out which spaces are useful. 

Banksy vs Hektad?

This past weekend, I joined my friend on a walk across Manhattan. It was an amazing experience, even if my feet would tell you otherwise at the end of our seven-hour trek.

Is there still “good” music?

My favorite part about music is its subjectivity. The most popular artists that get millions or billions of streams have some of the most vicious slanderers.

I keep rotten fruit in my cabinet

So, you are definitely wondering what the heck I am talking about. I am referring to my compost bin which only occasionally contains mold and rotten fruit. 

No fib: The Fibonacci Sequence is cool

Patterns pop up all the time in nature, and they are typically very appealing to us. From appreciating the look of a flower to enjoying the tidiness of one’s room, order and structure are pleasing to the eye and soothing to the brain.