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Posts published by “Namankita Rana”

Passionate about technology, women's issues, art, fashion, and global politics. Though maybe not in that exact order.

The truth about following your passions

There’s a popular turn of phrase I’ve been hearing a lot of lately — follow your passions.

Ah, yes. Three beautiful, magical words.

The Calm in the Storm

I absolutely hate yoga.

I’m sure my ancestors would be rolling in their graves at the statement (after all, India is the ancient birthplace of yoga), but the allure of the practice has always escaped me.

Uncharted Territory

Namankita Rana '19 begins her first Senioritis column of the year.

Let’s Talk About Mental Health

This is not the article I would have planned to write today. But, at the risk of a total cliché, it’s the one that I feel I must write.

Sexual Assault, and the Silence of Victims

The string of sexual assault cases hitting the mainstream media for the last month or so has been nothing short of a wild, horrifying ride.