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The all-new College Democrats Club

Inspired by the 2016 Unites States Presidential election, the College Democrats Club has formed at Stevens. As opposed to the conservative College Republican Club and the neutral Castle Point Politics, the College Democrats Club fills the role of a liberal political club on campus.

Jhustin Scarlett, founder of College Democrats, feels that now is an optimal time to bring the club to Stevens. According to Scarlett, Bernie Sanders’ campaign had the fortunate effect of “peak[ing] the interest of young millennials to politics.” His stances on issues such as college affordability and LGBTQ+ rights sparked interest in many young voters. The College Democrats Club aims to allow this interest to thrive at Stevens by promoting political involvement within the student body.

The club is currently planning visits by guest speakers including Dawn Zimmer, the mayor of Hoboken, and Steven Furlop, the mayor of Jersey City. They wish that these speakers will help perpetuate the mission of the club: to educate students to the Democratic Party’s platform. In the future, College Democrats wishes to host or attend mock debates between themselves and the College Republicans, with Castle Point Politics serving as a moderator (as the purpose of Castle Point Politics is to be a neutral political group). College Democrats hopes to set itself apart from other political groups by not advocating for candidates, but rather raising awareness of political issues. It hopes to give any student with interest in a particular issue the resources necessary to make a difference. They also hope to be an entirely positive group, specifically by not giving into smear campaigns or any other negative messages, even those put out by their own party.

The club wishes to get Stevens students involved politically, even those with opposing views, as well as make a difference in the Hoboken community in the coming years.

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