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Grow up

I have attacked elements of the Stevens Administration on poor performance in the past. Now, I direct my rage towards the students.

I know that I am old for my age. I don’t party hard, I don’t stay up past 2 a.m. playing video games (unless on weekends sometimes), and I am very career minded, even though I don’t have a job yet (please hire me). I see everyone at Stevens, and overall, most don’t want to grow up. I can respect that; the prospects of adulthood are terrifying. But, that doesn’t excuse you from acting like a high school student.

What brought this on, you ask? Well, one night I was walking up 8th Street and a bunch of (possibly drunk?) people spotted me from frat row and started yelling for me to tell them my League of Legends information. They kept remarking loudly how I was definitely a guy who plays League. I didn’t pay them any attention, because I don’t affiliate with low-lives, but also because I don’t play League.

Now, if you’re not familiar with this behavior, you’d probably think, “What’s the big deal?” But, to those of us who were bullied in high school, this is what happened. These days, I have a thicker skin than I used to, so I don’t really care. However, someone less comfortable with themselves would have been flush with embarrassment and shyness, or even anger and rage. I felt anger and rage, but not just because these kids were being jerks, but because they were being kids.

I am sorry, but we’re in college now. We’re on the cusp of adulthood, and with that status comes the requirement to act a little more maturely. Also, to snowball onto this, I recently heard that there was a pile of newspapers (The Stute, of course) that was taken out of its distribution rack on frat row and thrown across the street recklessly.

In my time as Editor-in-Chief, we had similar issues in other locations. Why though? What is the fun in that? It is nothing but littering (and, in a sense, theft, as you’re only technically allowed to take one), and not to mention rude. Like, what the hell guys? Some people — your fellow classmates — worked their asses off to get you this newspaper, and you’re going to be funny by throwing them on the streets? Grow up!

You’re almost adults now. If you want nice things — money, respect, stability — then act like an adult. I pity the souls who work so hard to keep you and your campus safe and reputable. It isn’t that hard to straighten up! Just stop getting drunk, stop being slobs, start thinking before you act, and don’t try to one-up your friends by being more obnoxious. Just be good citizens and stop embarrassing yourselves and the school. I am sick of you, and sick of the way you act. Grow up, or go home to your parents.